Researcher Information

Every year, exciting and important social science research is undertaken in the Gwich’in Settlement Area.  Often this research is the result of collaborations between Gwich’in communities, Gwich’in institutions, and qualified research teams. 

The Gwich’in welcome collaborative research that invites research participants and local community members to determine appropriate research areas and approaches.  Collaborative research methodologies often involve direct community benefits in the way of training, education, capacity building, elder-youth interaction and employment. 

Researchers who are interested in working with Gwich’in communities or in the Gwich'in area should be aware that there are several processes through which research is licenced.  The GSCI recommends that researchers in any discipline start their licensing process early, and those interested in social science research contact appropriate community and regional organizations near the start of their planning processes.  Specifics about working with Gwich’in communities can be found in the GSCI document “Conducting Traditional Knowledge Research in the Gwich’in Settlement Area: A guide for researchers.


Scientific research (including social sciences)

All research requires a license in the NWT.  Generally, heritage and cultural research requires an NWT Scientific Research Licence.  For more information, please see the Aurora Research Institute's website on the topic.  Research with human subjects also requires ethical approval. 

Archaeological research

Research with an archaeological component requires an NWT Archaeologist Permit.  More information about these requirements can be found at the Prince of Wales Northern Heritage Centre's website

Traditional knowledge research

Cultural and heritage research in the Gwich’in Settlement Region is covered under the Gwich’in Tribal Council's Traditional Knowledge Policy. Please consult the policy before you fill out the research agreement, which can be found within the research agreement or through this online fillable form

Data-sharing agreements

The GSCI has a vast digital archives of research materials, including reports, transcripts, audio files, maps, computerized mapping (GIS) files, and more.  Researchers who are in contact with the GSCI to make use of these materials sign a data-sharing agreement with the GSCI covering the use of these materials.  Please contact us for more information on our collections.

Photograph agreement

Please download and fill out the GSCI's photograph agreement if you wish to use any GSCI photographs.

Filmmaker's application form

If you are a filmmaker wanting to work in the Gwich'in Settlement Region, please fill out the Filmmaker's application form and provide it to the Department. We also encourage you to reach out to the Department in advance of filling out the form.