Old Arctic Red (a.k.a.Teetshik Goghaa) OR Zheh Gwishik
14. Old Arctic Red (a.k.a.Teetshik Goghaa) OR Zheh Gwishik

This place was where the Old Arctic Red River site was located. Annie Norbert recalls her mother saying that this place used to be "crowded with a bunch of tents." People used to come here and stay for about one month dancing, feasting, gambling and enjoying one another's company after a long winter. This place was also good for fishing because of a notable eddy in front of the site. The Roman Catholic Church built a small mission here in 1868. The mission was moved to the present location of Tsiigehtchic in the 1890s. One can still see the remains of graves, building foundations, and the stone chimney that was part of the mission house.