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Gwich'in Traditional Knowledge Study of the Mackenzie Gas Project Area
Benson, Kristi
Report and maps prepared under contract to Imperial Oil Resources...

Archaeological Impact Assessment Proposed Gravel Pit, KM 34, Dempster Highway Northwest Territories Archaeologist’s Permit 2006-985 Final Report June 2006
Benson, Kristi...

Post-Impact Archaeological Assessment of Geotechnical Testing and Archaeological Impact Assessment Proposed Gravel Pit Expansion, KM 36.7, Dempster Highway Northwest Territories...

Nomination Form for Territorial Historic Sites: Pokiak, Aklavik, Mackenzie Delta
Benson, Kristi
On file at Gwich'in Social and Cultural Institute, 2007...

Nomination Form for Territorial Historic Sites: Knute Lang's Place, Mackenzie Delta
Benson, Kristi
On file at Gwich'in Social and Cultural Institute,...

Nomination Form for Territorial Historic Sites: Chigwaazraii, Sreih Nitsìk, Ddhah Zhìt Han and Eneekaii Han Ehdiitat Gwich’in Cultural Landscape [Black Mountain, Red Mountain, Rat...

Ehdiitat Gwich’in Heritage Sites: Potential Heritage Conservation Zones
Benson, Kristi
Submitted to Gwich'in Land Use Planning Board and Protected Areas...

Repatriating Traditional Gwich’in Skills and Knowledge 2006—2007: Report on a Pilot Project with Gwich’in Elders from Fort McPherson
Lyons, Natasha

Traditional Knowledge on Caribou Ecology: Vegetation -> Caribou -> Wolf Food Chain
Katz, Sharon
Aurora Research Institute, Inuvik, 2010. 54pp.

Nomination Form for Territorial Historic Sites: Khaii Luk Tshik (Travaillant Creek)
Benson, Kristi
On file at Gwich'in Social and Cultural Institute,...