
Tsiigehtchic: So much more than dryfish! (Community Brochure)

The Gwich'in Social and Cultural Institute, working with the Tsiigehtchic Tourism Committee, published a brochure about Tsiigehtchic aimed at tourists. The published brochure has many beautiful photographs, a description of the town and services, sites to visit, and other information.


GSCI and GWNT 2015. Tsiigehtchic: So much more than dryfish! 4-Panel Brochure.


Keeping our Traditions Alive: Compendium of Best Practices in Promoting the Traditional Ways of Life of Arctic Indigenous Peoples

Keeping our Traditions Alive: Compendium of Best Practices in Promoting the Traditional Ways of Life of Arctic Indigenous Peoples
Arctic Council International
Published by The Arctic Council Secretariat. 2015, 71pp.
ISBN: 978-82-999755-3-7


Nomination Form for Territorial Historic Sites: Chigwaazraii, Sreih Nitsìk, Ddhah Zhìt Han and Eneekaii Han

Nomination Form for Territorial Historic Sites:  Chigwaazraii, Sreih Nitsìk, Ddhah Zhìt Han and Eneekaii Han Ehdiitat Gwich’in Cultural Landscape [Black Mountain, Red Mountain, Rat River (Aklavik Range, Richardson Mountains), and Husky Channel (Mackenzie Delta)] near Aklavik, NWT.
Benson, Kristi  
On file at Gwich'in Social and Cultural Institute, 2009.



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