The Gwich'in Traditional Caribou Skin Clothing Project

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"The Gwich'in Traditional Caribou Skin Clothing Project: Repatriating Traditional Knowledge and Skills." In: Arctic 55(2):205-210.
Kritsch, Ingrid and Karen Wright-Fraser
Published by Arctic Institute of North America, 2002.

This article describes the replication of a 19th century Gwich'in traditional man's caribou skin outfit from the collections of the Canadian Museum of Civilization (CMC). There are currently no examples of such clothing in the Gwich'in Settlement Area or in the NWT. Since December 2000, Gwich'in seamstresses have been replicating five copies of one of the outfits at the CMC for the four communities in the Gwich'in Settlement Area and for collection and display purposes at the Prince of Wales Northern Heritage Centre in Yellowknife.

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