Fort McPherson National Historic Site Revisited: The History and Importance of Fort McPherson from a Teetl'it Gwich'in Perspective
Fafard, Melanie
Published by Gwich'in Social and Cultural Institute, 2001, 41 pp
Report prepared under contract for Gwich'in Social and Cultural Institute. Report on file, Gwich'in Social and Cultural Institute, Tsiigehtchic, NT. Fort McPherson was designated a National Historic Site in 1969 as one of a series of designations aimed at commemorating the fur trade period across Canada. This report outlines the results of oral history and community consultation on the designation and the need to revisit it so that it acknowledges the Teetl'it Gwich'in and the role they played in the fur trade and the subsequent development of the community of Fort McPherson.