
Archaeological Assessment Proposed Gravel Pit Expansion, KM 36.7, Dempster Highway

Post-Impact Archaeological Assessment of Geotechnical Testing and Archaeological Impact Assessment Proposed Gravel Pit Expansion, KM 36.7, Dempster Highway  Northwest Territories Archaeologist’s Permit 2009-017
Benson, Kristi
Report prepared for Department of Transportation, GNWT and submitted to the Territorial Archaeologists' Office, 2009.  Report on file at Gwich'in Social and Cultural Institute.


Gwich'in Traditional Knowledge and Heritage Studies in the Gwich'in Settlement Area

Gwich'in Traditional Knowledge and Heritage Studies in the Gwich'in Settlement Area
Kritsch, Ingrid and Alestine Andre  
In: At a Crossroads: Archaeology and First Peoples in Canada. pp. 125-144. Edited by George P. Nicholas and Thomas D. Andrews. Publication No. 24. Archaeology Press, Department of Archaeology, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, B.C.  1997.


Peel River Plateau Ethno-Archaeology Project 2000

Peel River Plateau Ethno-Archaeology Project 2000.
Fafard, Melanie
Published by , 2001, 37 pp. plus appendices

Report prepared under contract for Gwich'in Social and Cultural Institute. Report on file, Gwich'in Social and Cultural Institute, Tsiigehtchic, NT. Report outlines results of test excavations at an historic site in Fort McPherson, and the results of an archaeological survey and test excavations carried out in the summer of 2000 along the Peel River and east of the Richardson Mountains.



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