Dog Pack, Fish Trap, Willow Bark Net and Caribou Snare Posters

Caribou Snare Poster
Available for download

Dog Pack, Fish Trap, Willow Bark Net and Caribou Snare Posters promoting the online exhibit "Gwadal' Zheii: Belongings From the Land"
Gwich'in Social and Cultural Institute, 2011

These posters were created by GSCI for a Heritage Fair held in Inuvik in September 2011 to inspire students to learn more about their culture and heritage and to explore the online exhibit when it became available in 2012.  The posters present four of the nine Gwich’in traditional material culture items from the ethnographic collections of the Canadian Museum of Civilization (CMC, now the Canadian Museum of History)  that are showcased in the on-line exhibit "Gwadal' Zheii: Belongings From the Land."  The exhibit, a partnership between GSCI, the CMC, and the Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation,  represents different aspects of Gwich’in traditional material culture. Items in the online exhibit include: a Boy’s Winter Outfit, Dog Pack, Caribou Snare, Fish Trap, Man’s Summer Outfit, Moose Leg Skin Toboggan, Moose Skin Boat, Snowshoes, and Willow Bark Net.  The goal of the on-line exhibit was to make these items from the CMC more accessible and increase knowledge and understanding of Gwich’in culture.  The online exhibit includes photographs, maps, oral history and traditional knowledge to enhance the interpretation and documentation of the selected items.  The exhibit also includes information from Gwich’in Elders and links to speakers saying the names of the artifacts in Gwich’in and telling old time stories.