Aquatic Plants


As medicine:

Either the leaves or the whole bladderwort plant including the roots are made into a tea to treat kidney or bladder infection. The bladderwort and the horsetail plant are used in the same way for bladder ailments. Ruth usually makes her bladderwort tea strong but dilutes it before drinking it. Ruth said,


Water lily, Yellow pond lily

As medicine:

The roots of the water lily plant are dried and used to relieve a dry throat or the onset of a cold. Ruth Welsh said,

" only take small little tiny pieces."

The roots are also used to ease a sore back. Ruth describes how to make this,

…cut a piece off [the main root]…a foot or a foot and a half long…heat the root….split the root and put it on each of [the] back and tie [it in place].

Source: Andre, Alestine, Nan t'aih nakwits'inahtsìh (The Land Gives Us Strength) (2006)

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