
Elizabeth Firth, one of the cooks at the 1998 Gwich'in Science Camp held at Rachel Reindeer Camp along the East Branch of the Mackenzie River.

Neil Colin, Robert Alexie, Walter Alexie, Eunice Mitchell and William Teya at Chuu Tr’idaoodìich’uu (Peel Canyon) during the 1996 Teetl'it Gwich'in Place Names Project.

Dennis Firth readying his sled at Walter and Robert Alexie's camp near Tr’atr’aataii Tshik (Trail River) during the skidoo trip between Fort McPherson and Mayo in March 1998

Dave Jones, Ramona Bonnetplume and Frederick Arey testing the water quality of the Peel Channel at the Knut Lang Camp during the 1997 Gwich'in Science Camp.

Daryl English readying his sled at Walter and Robert Alexie's camp near Tr’atr’aataii Tshik (Trail River) during the skidoo trip between Fort McPherson and Mayo in March 1998.

Neil Colin standing in front of his cabin at Nàgwichootshik - the Mouth of the Peel Village.
Alice Vittrekwa taking a break from cooking at the 1996 Mouth of the Peel Science Camp.

Alestine Andre cooking fish on the shore of the Mackenzie River during the 1993 Gwichya Gwich'in Place Names Project.

Robert Alexie, Gladys Alexie, Percy Henry, Ingrid Kritsch and Alfred Semple at Knorr's Cabin in the upper Blackstone River area, July 2003.

Seamstresses Ruth Wright, Bella Norman and Ida Stewart beading during the Aklavik clothing workshop held in March 2002. Note handmade wooden beading loom and modern beading loom. These were...